European’s Welfare Association CIC (EWA CIC) is a not for profit organisation set up back in 2013 to provide a wide range of support with a main focus on education to Central & Eastern European community living in Black Country area. We are in charge of one of the largest Polish Supplementary schools in Black Country with 347 children aged 3 to 18 currently on our roll.
By default, we primarily work with the Polish community supporting their education and welfare, as well as responding to their cultural needs in order to raise aspirations and create a better sense of community cohesion. We have a dedicated and qualified team (i.e. teachers, school psychologist, artists, etc.) experienced in delivering community projects and around 60 volunteers tirelessly working with us which makes us best placed organisation in the region to deliver such project to our beneficiaries
Our main projects in 2020/2021 are:
- Census 2021
- Hate Crime Reporting Centre i Speak Out
- Szczepionki: Vaccine Up
- Settled Status
European’s Welfare Association awarded with the 2017 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVC)
PRESS RELEASE: 2017 Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVC)
European’s Welfare Association (EWA) is a social enterprise CIC which had been called to life under management of Elizabeth Kardynal, Agnes Cyl and Marcin Klein.
Those three people had merged both organisation’s interest and resources together in the name of passion for community work in areas of education, legal advice and support for most vulnerable European immigrants in the UK.
EWA proposes simple and effective solution to socio-economic tensions in British society related to EU accession in 2004. We understand and support European migrants’ issues around access to mainstream services, citizenship, language barrier, advice and guidance, unemployment, education, hate crime and domestic violence.
We believe that the key to self sufficiency and advancement of new communities lies in education and training, advice and support of both volunteers and enterprise projects.
EWA operates in 3 well defined goals and aspirations: Education, Welfare, Art and Culture.